About Swiss and Chips
Swiss and Chips is an audio podcast for British people living in Switzerland, those who want to move to the Alpine country or who are simply interested in what life is like here. This is your British Guide to Switzerland! The podcast is here to help you and to make life in Switzerland or the move to Switzerland easier for you.
But first of all this podcast is for you! We want to help you, entertain you, get in touch with you, discuss with you and we want to know your opinion.
Send us a voice message to +41 76 282 67 66 or
Drop us an email: hello@swissandchips.com or
We will try to answer your questions and give you personal insight into what it’s like to move from London to Berne. This is not just a view from the outside looking in however, we will also bring you the Swiss perspective, from a genuine Swiss, born and bred in the Bernese Oberland.
We talk about Swiss traditions, curiosities and culture, and get the Swiss view on expat issues. We also talk about Britain and how the Swiss see Britain. Sometimes it gets competitive!
Who is Swiss and Chips
Swiss and Chips is presented by Jo Fahy, a British Journalist, who has lived in Switzerland since 2010 and Simon Zryd, a Swiss amateur photographer who has travelled the world. We live together in Berne with our daughter.
Jo Fahy - a Brit in Switzerland
I moved to Switzerland in 2010 with three things: a suitcase, a basic knowledge of German and a job at an English-language radio station. Since then I have travelled around the country for work or for pleasure, meeting the people who live here and trying to find out more about them: their lives, their traditions, their language.
I hope that this podcast will help other newcomers to Switzerland find out more about the essential things that have to be done: finding somewhere to live, moving house, figuring out insurance, finding a job, getting a permit and so on.
But I also want to talk about all the things that make this place feel like home, the unusual and exciting places there are to visit, the funny misunderstandings that happen, the traditions there are to discover, and everything in between.
Sometimes it's hard work settling in, and staying in another country long term has plenty of ups and downs, but it would be hard for me to imagine my life any other way now.
There's been plenty of surprises, but one of the most important things I've learnt is that Switzerland cannot be described in black and white terms: generalisations do not apply! And I find that fascinating.
Simon Zryd - A Swiss, still confused about Britain
Hi, I'm Simon. You could describe me as 'typical' Swiss, born and raised in Adelboden, a small village in Switzerland with 3,300 residents. I grew up with skiing, ice hockey and Schwingen (Swiss wrestling), I guess I fulfil all the clichés.
After travelling around the world for more than two years, I still love exploring new places.
On Swiss and Chips podcast, I want to give you some insight into Switzerland, introduce you to the Swiss traditions that I know and explain how people here live today. I also want to give you a Swiss perspective on Switzerland itself and a very Swiss view about Britain.
I think it takes a lot of energy and courage for people to leave the safety of everything they know behind to move to another country. Often it's not easy to settle in a strange place, find friends and start living. I hope this podcast makes it a tiny bit easier for you to understand how Swiss people (at least one anyway) think, what they expect and that you don't have to be afraid.
When it comes to the UK, Jo tries to convince me that cold and rainy places (although she says England is neither particularly cold or rainy) are also worth exploring and indeed, the more I get to know the place, the more I love it.
Who is Swiss and Chips for?
If you're interested in Switzerland, thinking about moving here, you're already working or living here or you're simply curious about the small country in the centre of Europe - this podcast is for you!
If you want to hear the personal perspective of a British woman who moved to Switzerland some years ago and a Swiss talking about Switzerland and Britain - this podcast is definitely for you!
If you want to hear exciting stories of places, people, culture, events, activities and traditions in Switzerland - then turn up the volume, you're in the right place!
If you're interested in how the Swiss see Britain - hurry up and click play, this podcast is made for you!
And now it’s time to join our small community and get to know each other!