How to find a job in Switzerland as an expat
It's one of the big questions you'll be asking yourself before you move to Switzerland: how can I find a job there? Once you arrive in Switzerland it might not prove as easy as you'd hoped to find a job as an expat either. However, if you know where to look for a job and what you must include in an application, it will be much easier.
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Notes on this episode of Swiss and Chips: Your British Guide to Switzerland
Where to look for a job
What to do if you're applying from abroad
What to include in your application
Overcoming your weak spots: the language (s), knowledge of the country, uncertainty over long-term plans, unfamiliar qualifications
Make the most of your strengths: a fresh perspective, knowledge of a specific culture or market that isn't Swiss, different language skills
Q & A from our Facebook group 'Switzerland for English speakers.'
Large job search platforms:
Don't forget to look for specific websites for your industry or the place where you want to live, for Bern for instance, this would be:
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